• Far too many of the world's children don't go to school because they can't afford the supplies. By providing school books, paper and pencils, you provide the building blocks for a brighter future.

  • Getting a child to the clinic when she or he feels sick or needs a checkup is critical. This gift can make sure families don’t have to choose between life-saving healthcare and food for the family by covering the cost of a clinic visit and offering peace of mind.

  • More than 30 million children in the United States depend on federal school-meal programs to stay well-nourished and ready to learn. This gift helps children maintain the same level of nutrition over the weekend and when school is not in session. 

  • In many places around the world, just one bite from an infected mosquito can transmit malaria and lead to serious illness or death. A mosquito net treated with long-lasting insecticide and accompanied with education on its proper use can protect those most at risk — especially small children and older adults — from this life-threatening disease.

  • Foods high in protein and vitamins help keep tummies full and immune systems strong. Your support shows children who have lost one or both parents that someone cares.

  • More than 4,000 children die each day from preventable diseases like measles, polio, tetanus and tuberculosis. Immunizing a child is one of the best ways to ensure that a child stays healthy — and a family stays free from medical costs.

  • Worldwide, girls are far less likely than boys to be enrolled in school. When you educate a girl, you help open a world of opportunity for her future and the future of her family and community.

  • Care for God’s little ones with a gift to nurture their faith. With lessons, supplies and teaching aids, you can equip fast-growing communities of faith with Christian education materials to make the gospel accessible to children of all ages.

  • Women produce half the world’s food without access to the same resources as their male counterparts. With an opportunity to attend farmers’ field school, women learn the latest advancements in agriculture and help nourish their families and communities.

  • Internet access can open a world of learning, allowing children to continue their education even at home – a key step in ending hunger and poverty for them and their communities.

  • You can help a woman from one of our global companion churches complete her education in business, women’s rights, peace studies or other areas. Be an early part of a young leader’s story, and one day we’ll all benefit from what she shares with the world.

  • Traditional cooking stoves can burn a lot of wood and fill small homes with dangerous smoke that leads to a host of health problems for families. More efficient stoves can burn a variety of fuels, produce less smoke and maintain heat better, which means families burn less wood and face fewer health risks.

