• internet access
  • internet access
    LWF/Albin Hillert
  • internet access
  • internet access

One month of internet connectivity for students (with "Joy to the World Wide Web" card)


Internet access can open a world of learning, allowing children to continue their education even at home – a key step in ending hunger and poverty for them and their communities.

A wish list is a collection of gifts that friends, family and coworkers can give in your honor. You can use a wish list as a unique wedding registry, for your birthdays or other event, or simply as a way to help fundraise. You can create multiple wish lists.
internet access
internet access
internet access
internet access

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One dairy cow can produce a few gallons of calcium-packed milk each day. A family can receive the nutrition they need and also start a small business selling extra milk, cheese and more. With food, funds and fertilizer, the gift of a cow has got it all.


Goats can go where other animals can’t, surviving in some of the world’s most challenging terrain. Goat's milk provides nutrition for children and their families, and goats are quick to reproduce — which means a family can pass this life-saving gift onto others.


Help a family spread their wings. When chicks grow up to become chickens, their eggs not only provide an ongoing supply of protein-rich meals — they can also help start a small business and generate a steady source of income.
